
Digibytz deals with products for both B2B and B2C clients. We understand the unique needs of our varied clients and serve the best. Taking a closer step with our clients builds us a great rapport and that is our success errand. We have constant engagements with our clients until they are pleased with our service.


We value each and every customer and have provided required solutions to various numbers of enterprises in and around the Coimbatore district. Our major number of clients are Automotive clients. It ranges from two-wheelers and cars to commercial vehicles and heavy vehicles enterprises.


In this digital world Computers and their allied components are always in the need of the hour. Don’t blow it to get the best products and services from the highly emerging technological hub – The ‘Digibytz’ and become one of our valuable customers.


Having served more than 500 clients over the years, here is the list of few well-known brands for your perusal.